Mar 11Liked by Arianne Braithwaite Lehn

Arianne - this spoke so deeply to me in so many ways. As I read, I felt so many overlapping spaces to my life now and my life in the past. Looking at the flowers on your dad's gravestone, I thought of how that is, in a sense, the first time I have been able to visit your Dad's grave since he died. When I was at FPC, I was so blessed by your parents in so so so many ways and I ached for your Dad's death 10 years ago and I ache with the Alzheimer's journey your mom (and your family) is on. I "put flowers" on the grave as well as I read your beautiful reflections.

And then coming to your prayer from MaryAnn's devotional guide I think of how her book spoke so deeply to me last year and how it continues to speak today as one of our church small groups is working our way through the book.

And then Rilke - Just this past Saturday was the 7th anniversary of the death of a dear friend named Phil. Phil introduced me to Rilke when I was part of a very unique small group with him and two other men. There are few people in my life that I have met who was wiser and deeper than Phil was. And our last time together as a group before he died, we read Rilke together.

So thank you for sharing these places - obviously you weren't writing just for me, but I was so resonant with what you shared today. Thank you for your Spirit-speaking today.

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Oh Ed, your profound and thoughtful response speaks deeply to ME! The blessing was so mutual and in so many directions between our family and yours during your time at FPC (and after). Your saying that you put flowers on the grave as you read....😭 thank you, thank you.

And I am so humbled and inspired to hear of the Spirit synchronicities between these words and your own life/ministry, from MaryAnn's book to the Rilke quote. I'm so sorry to hear of the grieving journey you've been on with your dear friend, Phil. I am moved just picturing you and yoru group of friends remembering him and reading Rilke. I have been really leaning into Rilke's work and finding such nourishment there.

I love how tender and responsive God is in meeting you with little connections and reminders of God's presence with you. And I hope you know what a powerful channel of God's Spirit you are to me, and to so many others. Thank you so much, Ed, for taking the time to share all of this. It really blessed me.

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Mar 11Liked by Arianne Braithwaite Lehn

Thank you, as always, for this comfort to my Mondays. Special thanks for including the Jahmal Cole event next week. Thanks friend! :)

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Thank YOU, friend, for the witness and light you are in our community (and beyond!). 💛

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